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Welcome to New Orleans Brick & Stone -Texas

A division of New Orleans Brick, by Bourgeois Antique Building Materials

We handle large quantities of reclaimed bricks, flagstone, and slate roofing sales in Texas and we are willing to share our expertise to help you find the perfect reclaimed building material for your new construction project, or to match period-correct bricks for renovations.

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Color variations are available ranging from creamy buffs to cool grays. Our granite flagstone works best for patios, walkways, and flooring.


Shades of purple, gray, green, with the occasional rust running through are featured options. Our century old slate will last for generations to come. 

Over 40 years of excellence

 We source highly prized reclaimed bricks, antique slate & imported flagstone that are difficult to find.
Even in today's slim market, we have what others don't.

Just fill out the form below, and one of our representatives will get in touch to assist with your project.

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Contact Us

New Orleans Brick & Stone - Brick & Stone Supplier

Operating in Dallas, Texas

2024® New Orleans Brick & Stone.. A division of Bourgeois Antique Building Materials & New Orleans Brick, LLC. Powered By 


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